
This website ( is hosted using the GitHub Pages system with the Cayman theme.

It is written using the Markdown which is a simple way of writing structured documents without much of the complexity of HTML.

I can use it to make quite complicated sites. For example

I can use it to


  1. Ordered lists
  2. with numbers
    1. and another

Or I can format some example code:

    int main() 
      printf("Hello World");

Here is a link to a second page

Here is an image

text about an image


Using GitHub

These links give a basic introduction to using GitHub and the GitHub Work Flow.

Usually, instead of editing on the GitHub website, you would pull the repo to your desktop pc, edit/test your changes, then commit them back to a branch. You can either do this with the command line git tools or various development Environmenmts (e.g. RStudio) can have github support built in. They are ususally based on top of GitForWindows.

Tools for writing Project Reports

For you project report you have two obvious choices in the tools you choose.

  1. Microsoft Word (+ Endnote reference manager). Both of these tools are on the LJMU App Player. I am not an expert on either of them!
  2. LaTeX (+ bibTeX reference manager). LaTeX is a document preparation system that is well suited to scientific/mathematical documents. Rather than installing it yourself, the online Overleaf system is easy to use and provides the ability to collaboratively edit and then download a resulting PDF.

Even if you want to use Word to write the document, latex2png is a very nice way of generating PNG equations to paste into your word document.

Tools for Literature Searches and Access